Author: Cassius Amicus
A Video Helpful For Highlighting Differences Between Epicureanism and Stoicism
May Plato’s God of Reason forgive me for posting this link, but if asked I will respond that his God fated me to do it! I recently came across the...
Taking Control of The End
Today turned out to be the day that Prince William (a name selected by the Humane Society) had to be relieved from the misery of a losing battle with feline...
Epicurus On The Meaning of “Good”
This is just a short post to make it easier to find a quotation that I seem to be coming back to more and more lately on the subject of...
“Thus Purred Catius’ Cat” – A New Exercise In Summarizing Basic Epicurean Doctrine
I have been working over the recent holidays to prepare a presentation on Epicureanism suitable for the absolute beginning student, approachable even for children. As I worked further on the...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of January!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Today I would like to devote my 20th post to my favorite passage from Seneca, which...
The “Yea-Sayers” and the “Nay-Sayers”
What follows is a collection of commentary illustrating (1) that there is a great contest over the much-disputed legacy of Epicurus, and (2) the nature of that contest. Suggestions for...
Check Out A New Website:, by Nikos the Epicurean
It’s great to announce here a new website devoted to the Doctrines of Epicurus. I have corresponded with the webmaster and I highly recommend you check out his page and...
The Poet, The Monument-Builder, And Us
Today across the globe many people are exchanging gifts and buying new toys for themselves. Many of those gifts and toys are – to say the least...
Peace And Safety For Your Twentieth of December!!! – How Do You Choose Your Food?
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Recent events in Connecticut remind us that death at an untimely young age is especially tragic. ...
“One has but to read Lucretius to know what Epicurus made war upon…”
As we approach December 25th and the tide of religious fervor which it brings to parts of the world, there is no better time to remember the Epicurean history of...