Author: Cassius Amicus
Pride, Vanity, Ambition … and Cynicism
The following is a fictional dialogue from Frances Wright’s “A Few Days In Athens,” Chapter IV. In this sequence, Gryphus the Cynic had just confronted Epicurus to demand that Epicurus...
“That the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical …. hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time.”
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 1777, by Thomas Jefferson: An Act for establishing religious Freedom. Whereas, Almighty God hath created the mind free; That all attempts to influence it...
New Project: Returning the Eternal Light of Epicureanism to England! And Your Help is Needed!
**New Project: Returning the Eternal Light of Epicureanism to England!** The Roman coin pictured here contains the inscription “Redditor Lucis Aeterna,” which can loosely be translated as “Rebringer of the...
Proof, Not Assertion
(Cross-posted with a few edits from the Garden of Epicurus facebook group.) This is in regard to strengthening our minds. It was inspired by Mark C.’s thread in the Facebook...
Peace and Safety for your Twentieth of June – May you have many smooth and agreeable motions today!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! One of the great benefits I have found from Facebook is talking with friends about fine...
Elemental Epicureanism
[For the new web site dedicated to this project click here.] Previously included as an Appendix to the ebook version of Frances Wright’s “A Few Days In Athens” is an...
Recent Thoughts On Anticipations, The Canon, and Reason
Here are some thoughts I exchanged today with several friends from the Facebook page. I post them here not because they are particularly insightful or definitive, but because the subject...
Toward A “Jefferson Dictionary” of Epicurean Terminology
In his letter to William Short, Thomas Jefferson left us a useful outline of major points of Epicurean doctrine. I have long admired that list, and now that recent studies...
What Is Happy Living?
As so often in Epicureanism, definitions are key. In this attached clip from the HG Wells movie “Things to Come”, the speechmaker says “The object of life is Happy Living…”...