Author: Cassius Amicus
The Soul of the Epicurean Warrior Does Not Live on Chicken Soup
[For those readers of this blog who do not read the “Epicurean Philosophy Facebook Group,” here is a post of special interest, in slightly modified form, that originated there. It...
Peace And Safety For Your Twentieth of August – On Saving Ourselves From Servitude And Folly
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! This Twentieth of August is a good time to look back at a specific aspect of...
Describing, Without Answering, An Important Issue – the Nature of “Anticipations” and “Present Impressions of the Mind”
We have many new readers and participants on the Facebook Epicurean Philosophy group, so now is a good time to post again on a topic that I think is very...
Hugh Munro On The Merits of Epicurus vs. Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics
Here’s another example of why some translators and commentators are more to be trusted than others. HAJ Munro appreciated the merits of Epicurean philosophy over the other schools, so he...
“How Do I Most Quickly Learn The Basics Of Epicurean Philosophy?”
If you are new to the study of Epicurus, you may well ask: “How do I most quickly learn the basics of Epicurean Philosophy?” Here’s my quick answer, which might be...
Keeping Watch With The Epicurean Chorus – Happily Thriving And Alive With Joy!
Thanks to a friend on the Epicurean Philosophy Facebook Page, here is a great find – a specifically Epicurean funeral epitaph. This Latin is CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum) number 10.2971....
“Contributions of the Herculanean Papyri To Our Knowledge of Epicurean Logic”
Here is a good summary of the major points made by Phillip H. De Lacy in his article from 1937 as it appeared in the “Transactions and Proceedings of the...
Hiram Crespo’s “Tending the Epicurean Garden”
I have been meaning to write a more extended review of this new book, but I don’t want to wait any longer to post about it. Hiram’s recently-released “Tending the...
On The Need For the European Union To Adopt The Epicurean Concept of “Pursuit of Happiness” As A Human Right
Why should it strike anyone as unusual that there are so many unhappy people in Europe (and elsewhere, to be fair!) when the leaders of Europe have not adopted the...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of July: “The Greater Part of Life Is Sunshine”
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! I know that some find it odd, and others find it tedious, that I am forever...