Author: Cassius Amicus
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of May – Reading Epicurus Reasonably – Children and PD5
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! On this twentieth of May, here is another example in the category “how to read Epicurus...
Frances Wright and the “Counter-History of Philosophy”
Hiram Crespo recently posted on his blog, The Autarkist, about the work of Michael Onfray and his view of the need for a counter-history of philosophy to free it from...
“Follow That Dream”
To follow: “to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to; to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey.” Cassius to...
Pleasure Is A Dish Best Served Pure and Smooth
In my continuing efforts to explain Epicurean Philosophy Through Coffee, I now present my latest and best analogy: Not only do we fill life to the rim with pleasure, like coffee, but...
Where Is the Misunderstanding / Misrepresentation More Likely?
Here is a passage from Francois Bernier, a friend of Gassendi, which I have never read before, but exists at It seems to me it illustrates exactly the problem...
Stoicism is as far from Epicurean philosophy as East is far from West.
We frequently see commentary, even in Epicurean discussion forums, with Stoic overtones. It therefore pays to keep in mind the differences between the two philosophies so we can recognize Stoic...
Setting the Stage For Discussion of Pleasure
Recently the Society of Epicurus published a transcript of a Spanish-language interview given by Hiram Crespo and Alex Harrington about the philosophy of Epicurus. They did an excellent job, and...
Fields, Particles, and the Reality We Live In
Alex Harrington has written an excellent essay on Fields or Particles that is now posted at the Society of Epicurus. What is the relationship of that discussion to how we should...
Fill Life To The Rim – With Pleasure
Here is an illustration of Lucretius’ vessel analogy in Book 6 that may hit home with my American friends of a certain age. With Pleasure, why be ascetic and settle...
Slashing Another Stoic Chain – Courtesy of a Norse God
This is something that has been staring me in the face without my seeing it – if it had been a snake it would have bitten me. Probably everyone else...