Author: Cassius Amicus
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of July!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Vatican Saying 45: “The study of nature does not create men who are fond of boasting...
The Real Troika
At present the Greeks are focused on the actions of three institutions that are referred to as the “troika” – the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the...
Why I Think Epicurus Would Have Hated The “Tetrapharmakon”
Wikipedia informs us that the tetrapharmakon comes down to us from a parchment found in the papyri of Herculaneum that it is attributed to Philodemus. Wikipedia also informs us of...
An Important Observation About A Test of “Natural and Necessary”
Epicurean passages from Seneca must be scrutinized strictly to determine whether Seneca is reporting accurately, or warping an Epicurean doctrine for a Stoic misuse. Below is a passage I first posted...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of June! – “Outlines”
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Epicurus advised us to prepare outlines to assist in our understanding of true philosophy. Last November...
Thoughts On The Natural State of Mankind
In a recent blog post at “The Autarkist,” Hiram Crespo wrote about “Religion As Play,” a referenced to a statement attributed to Epicurus that “to pray is natural.” Of course...
Pleasure and Achievement
Here is a passage from DeWitt that I was thinking about tonight, on the nature of “pathe” (or “feelings”) which consists of (1) pleasure and (2) pain. I don’t think...
On Conflicting Interpretations And Translations
Competing interpretations and translations are a fact of life in studying Epicurus. Recently several of us have been talking about issues with Vatican Saying 21, and I think we may...
“Why” Comes Before “How”
Here is a pattern I am seeing over and over: Some people just cannot or will not admit that “why” must come before “how” in deciding how to live one’s...
Nietzsche on Stoicism’s “Fraud of Words”
The following passage from Nietzsche has many excellent uses in exposing the roots of Stoicism and all similar philosophies which seek to substitute some other goal for the goal of...