Author: Cassius Amicus
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of December – Doubt Is Unpleasant, But It’s Not The Worst Enemy!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Happy Twentieth! As I get back to posting on a regular schedule after my recent trip,...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of November – Epicurean Theory Applies To Everyone And To The Most Difficult Of Issues
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Happy Twentieth! In recent weeks a series of “terrorist” attacks has rocked the world, and...
Tantum Religio Potuit Suadere Malorum!
When many people today think of Epicurean philosophy and its emphasis on “pleasure,” they tend to focus on Epicurus’ advice to tailor our lifestyles toward a long-term view where pleasure...
Dawn of A New Age Of Epicurus
If you follow the world of politics, the last ten days in the USA have provided an important reminder: where passions run high, truth is often the first casualty. If...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of October – Tips on Epicurean Reasoning from Philodemus
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Every day, not just the Twentieth, is a good day to remember that Epicurean philosophy teaches a...
The Epicurean “Method of Analogy” in Philodemus, And Its Vital Importance to Us
What do we do when we are confronted by differences of opinion among people who believe very strongly in their ideals, even though those ideals vary tremendously from person to...
“This Week In Epicurean Philosophy”
For the last several years (one hundred and twenty five weeks, to be exact) I have been producing a short weekly summary of notable links and discussions on the Facebook...
“Quantity” Does Not Equal “Type”
The diagram associated with this post is intended to dramatize the question: Does any quantity of a thing ever change that thing into its opposite? When Epicurus stated that there...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of September! – An Overview of the Letter to Herodotus
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! This month for the Twentieth, I offer a quick outline of the major points of...
Fundamentals of Epicurean Philosophy – An Outline
Fundamentals of Epicurean Philosophy – Click here for larger text, here for smaller text, and here for frame-free version. Please click here for dispute as to translation of PD6. This outline represents my latest...