Category: Anticipations
Anticipations, Heat, and Patterns of Behavior
A part of any discussion of anticipations will revolve around the extent to which anticipations refer to (1) the formation of concepts through reasoning and experience, or (2) the influence of...
Happy Twentieth of June! – Born To Seek Pleasure And To Overcome Pain
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be – Happy Twentieth! On this Twentieth of June I want to introduce you to the newest...
Toward A Better Understanding Of Epicurus: Eight Areas Of Focus For 2015
My goal in writing about Epicurus is to point the way to happier living today through Epicurean philosophy. Only historians and academics are interested in detail for the sake of...
Describing, Without Answering, An Important Issue – the Nature of “Anticipations” and “Present Impressions of the Mind”
We have many new readers and participants on the Facebook Epicurean Philosophy group, so now is a good time to post again on a topic that I think is very...
More on the “Moral Sense”
Here are two more references I have come across in regard to the faculty of a “moral sense.” I see this as a subject that is related to “anticipations” in...
Recent Thoughts On Anticipations, The Canon, and Reason
Here are some thoughts I exchanged today with several friends from the Facebook page. I post them here not because they are particularly insightful or definitive, but because the subject...
“Against The Vulcans”
The thoughts in this post will no doubt need review and revision, but I think they are significant enough to post. I am going to deal here not so much...
Random? A Fluke? The Rise of Man and the Better View of “Chance and Natural Law In Epicureanism”
I wish to credit Jules Evans and a Facebook discussion for prompting me to return to a subject of supreme importance in Epicureanism. Even more than the nature of “Anticipations,”...
“Joy And Cheerfulness Are Beheld in Motion And Energy”
Lest we forget that Epicurus valued pursuit of happiness through action as well as through reflection: From Diogenes Laertius (Cyril Bailey translation): Now, he [Epicurus] differs from the Cyrenaics about...
“It was Epicurus’ Determination to Dethrone Reason and Set Up Nature As the Norm.”
A recent Facebook discussion and a particular reminder from Stefan bring to mind Norman DeWitt’s argument against the fallacy of thinking that Epicurus held “pleasure” to be the “highest good.”...