Author: Cassius Amicus
“Joy And Cheerfulness Are Beheld in Motion And Energy”
Lest we forget that Epicurus valued pursuit of happiness through action as well as through reflection: From Diogenes Laertius (Cyril Bailey translation): Now, he [Epicurus] differs from the Cyrenaics about...
Never Forget That The Clock Is Ticking!
As someone who finds it very easy to get distracted in meaningless controversies, I need to constantly remind myself how Epicurus stressed that the clock is ticking on our mortality. ...
“It was Epicurus’ Determination to Dethrone Reason and Set Up Nature As the Norm.”
A recent Facebook discussion and a particular reminder from Stefan bring to mind Norman DeWitt’s argument against the fallacy of thinking that Epicurus held “pleasure” to be the “highest good.”...
The Peril of “Blind Reason”
In further comment on role of “Reason” as a support, but not a standard of Truth, Lucretius here relates (from Book VI, line 59) that “blind reason” can deceive even...
Epicurean Physics
The validity of Epicurean philosophy is grounded squarely on a number of core observations about the nature of the universe. Of these, no principle is more fundamental than the observation...
Comments On The Role of “Reason” In Epicureanism
Prior to beginning my study Epicurus I had picked up the impression that Plato was somehow “anti-reason,” and that Aristotle was the great defender of “reason” against the Platonic viewpoint. ...
“Our Canon Is:”
[Edit 06/20/15: This post probably needs revision. I have come to question whether Hicks’ translation of this line is accurate and this needs to be checked.] “Our canon is that...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of March!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! For today’s post, which is particularly applicable to troubled times such as we live in today,...
Master and Student: Epicurus and Jefferson on the Changing Aspects of Justice
Key Doctrines 37 and 38 state the Epicurean principle that “justice” does not exist in Plato’s forms, religions’ revelations, or in any way outside of the happiness of those men...
“The Altruist In Politics” – Nathan Cardozo’s Address Against The Platonist Roots of Doctrinaire Socialism and Communism
On the Garden of Epicurus Facebook page the topic of libertarianism and socialism has recently been raised. I prefer to stay out of contemporary political debates in favor of addressing...