Author: Cassius Amicus
Wordsmiths Needed: Revisiting Horace and Book III, Ode XXIX “To Maecenas”
I have blogged before on Horace’s Ode 3, 29, but upon coming today once again on a cite to John Dryden’s “Happy the Man,” which is based directly on this...
On the Pedantry of Aristotle (and Stoicism and Platonism too!)
I confess that “pedantry” is a word I rarely if ever use, and hardly know the meaning. Here is wikipedia: “A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism and precision, or...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of October! Down With The Geometers!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! David Furley, in his Two Studies in the Greek Atomists, directs our attention to both “indivisible...
Against Aristotle / In Support Of The Romulans
The tongue-in-cheek title to this post is a reference to my current reading: Two Studies In The Greek Atomists by David Furley. The thesis of Furley’s two studies is this:...
More Analysis In Support of Epicurus’ Insight: The Error Of Attempting to Reason By Ideal Concepts
The heart of my title essay in “Against the Men of the Crowd” is the marshaling of Epicurean texts in support of a single thesis: that the key foundational insight...
New Ebook: “Against The Men of the Crowd”
Today I am launching a new Ebook, entitled “Against the Men of the Crowd.” Find this and my other ebooks on the Smashwords page here. (Amazon link hopefully to be...
An Epicurean Message Hits Home 2000 Years Later In London
This past week, I was lucky to be able to attend a worldwide simulcast movie-theater presentation highlighting the new exhibit at the British Museum in London on artifacts from Pompeii...
HAPPY BELATED TWENTIETH OF SEPTEMBER! – To Compensate for My Lateness – Links To PDFs Every Fan of Epicurus Ought To Have
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Sorry for the delay in posting this Happy Twentieth Message! I have been reviewing my own...
Three-Dimensional Printed Bust of Epicurus Now Available
In case you have not been following this in the Facebook “Garden of Epicurus” group, my second generation 3d mesh has now produced its first output. Follow this link to...
A Season Of The Year To Remember Fallen Epicureans
[As we appear to be on the verge of escalating another ill-considered war, this time in Syria, the following post, which is a repeat of a topic I have repeated...