Author: Cassius Amicus
Epicurus v. Cicero on Natural Law and Justice
I am probably not going to add this to my Epicurus v. Stoicism chart (to be posted here soon!), because Cicero did not consider himself Stoic, and I want to...
New Web Page For Lucretius
One of my great frustrations in reading and writing about Epicurus has been the lack of a good digitized version of Lucretius. No more, my friends, for today this site...
Frances Wright on Epicurean Virtue vs. “Virtue” In The Other Philosophies
One of the most important distinctions between Epicureanism and other philosophies is its definition of “virtue.” In the ancient world this dispute became a matter of heated argument between Epicureans...
The Meaning of “The Good” – A Gem From Plutarch Through Bailey and Epicurus.Info
This is just a short post to remind fans of Epicurus that there are two great resources at (among many others) that don’t get the attention they deserve. One...
Objectivism: The “Worst and Most Dangerous” Philosophy In America
Today I address a narrow segment of readers who have special need for the message of Epicurus – those readers who have come into contact with the philosophy of Ayn...
“These Shall Be To Thee Both Pythian and Delian”
One of the things that gives me most pleasure from collaborating with other fans of Epicurus is to uncover texts that are new to me and that go far beyond...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of June: On the Futility of “Argument”
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! As progress continues to be made on the updated discussion forum for Epicurean ideas at Facebook,...
More on the “Moral Sense”
Here are two more references I have come across in regard to the faculty of a “moral sense.” I see this as a subject that is related to “anticipations” in...
“Elemental Epicureanism” / Facebook Group Update
*Epub Update* I have today set up a new facebook group “Elemental Epicureanism.” The URL of the new group is The sole purpose of this group will be to...