New Web Page For Lucretius

One of my great frustrations in reading and writing about Epicurus has been the lack of a good digitized version of Lucretius. No more, my friends, for today this site goes live: Much more needs to be done to improve it, but already the full text of the Munro and Bailey editions are readily accessible. Cut and paste from your cell phones to your hearts’ content! No epub reader needed; no format issues from using PDF! Just the pure digital text of the greatest poem ever written! Please report problems, but the text should be in pretty good shape already. What I am missing is line reference numbers and a lots of hyperlinking, but the existing version is a good start. I am aware that Gutenberg and others have long had copies of the William Emery Leonard edition. No doubt Mr. Leonard was a great man, but attempting to read his poetry turned me off so many times I lost at least ten years in grasping the basic ideas of Epicurus. The Munro and Bailey editions are *narrative* and attempt to be *literal,* so you don’t have to worry if an important meaning has been reversed, just so the author could force a rhyme!  I hope you find this useful. (I will look for a good simple URL one day, but for the moment the obvious ones appear taken.)

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