Category: Uncategorized
On the Pedantry of Aristotle (and Stoicism and Platonism too!)
I confess that “pedantry” is a word I rarely if ever use, and hardly know the meaning. Here is wikipedia: “A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism and precision, or...
A Season Of The Year To Remember Fallen Epicureans
[As we appear to be on the verge of escalating another ill-considered war, this time in Syria, the following post, which is a repeat of a topic I have repeated...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of August, and A Few Thoughts on The Folly of Thinking Virtue Is Its Own Reward
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! In preparing my recent synopsis of the Inscription of Diogenes in Oinoanda, I was confronted with...
“We believed … that man was a rational animal, endowed by nature with rights and with an innate sense of justice…”
I am collecting on my page of Thomas Jefferson quotes each of the references I can find where he makes a statement that seems directly or indirectly to be a...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of April!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! This week, I found myself citing Key Doctrine 10 to a friend, and that reminded me...
“Our Canon Is:”
[Edit 06/20/15: This post probably needs revision. I have come to question whether Hicks’ translation of this line is accurate and this needs to be checked.] “Our canon is that...
Another Excellent Greenblatt Presentation on Lucretius
The following five minute clip is a selection of “highlights” from the full interview. The full interview is twenty-three minutes long, and well worth watching. It may be viewed here....
The Wise Man Laughs At The idea of “Fate”
I know very little about the background and other views of philosopher Daniel Dennett, but linked below is a very interesting ten minute discussion that I think usefully frames a...
Why We All Need Philosophy
Today’s addition to the website is a page on Seneca’s References to Epicurus. This presents the opportunity to highlight a passage that has long been one of my favorites: “Would...
For New Students of Epicurus
When I first started this web page, my goal was as stated in the page banner, to “promote the study of the philosophy of Epicurus.” I phrased the goal in...