Category: Introductory Material
“Failure of Nerve?” Or “Failure to Pay Attention?”
I have a standing rule for my blog that I will not devote more space than absolutely necessary to discussing Ayn Rand and Objectivism. That is not to say that...
“If You Reject Absolutely Any Single Sensation … You Will Reject Every Standard of Truth.”
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with a close friend and discuss philosophy. As we inevitably got to the point of discussing the “origin of the...
By The Way, Our Friends of Epicurus In The Homeland Appreciate It When You Call Them “Hellenes” Rather Than “Greeks”
Time to take a break from today’s crusade against Stoicism and Platonism to post something a little lighter. I have recently become informed that our friends of Epicurus in the...
For “Father’s Day” in the U.S.: “You, Father, found the truth….” and saved us from folly.
O glory of the Greeks, the first to raise the shining light out of tremendous dark, illumining the blessings of our life. You are the one I follow; in your...
St. Paul vs. Epicurus
Norman DeWitt, who is in my opinion the author of the best book on Epicurus written since the ancient world, also wrote a second book: “St. Paul and Epicurus” (“SPAE”). ...
A Short Imaginary Exchange With An Epicurean Many Years Ago
Imaginary Person 1: “I do believe there is a God, but I don’t really believe all that is written and I have to say it scares me to even say...
Leave Apathy To The Stoics, and Strive to “Never Be Taken By Surprise.”
There is an unfortunate strain of thought which poses a significant danger for those who do not discern the important differences between Epicurean and Stoic theory. Straying onto the Stoic...
The Key To Distinguishing The “Greatest Good” from the “Goal” of Life: “Every supreme good … is meaningless to the dead; every supreme good presumes life.”
Because the terms are so regularly discussed, it is necessary to work to gain and keep a clear view of the difference between the “greatest good” of life and the...
New FAQ Entry: What Did Epicurus Have To Say About Friendship?
What did Epicurus say about “friendship”? Key Doctrine 27: “Of all the things which the wise man seeks to acquire to produce the happiness of a complete life, by far...
Random? A Fluke? The Rise of Man and the Better View of “Chance and Natural Law In Epicureanism”
I wish to credit Jules Evans and a Facebook discussion for prompting me to return to a subject of supreme importance in Epicureanism. Even more than the nature of “Anticipations,”...