Category: Introductory Material
New Video Discussing Epicurus: “Good Without God”
Today I received a very nice email from a reader of the blog who resides in Australia, and he provided me a link to a video series he produced entitled...
Explaining the True Nature of Life as a Pleasure: The Example of the Statue’s Hand
It seems to me there is a great deal to be learned from the section in Cicero’s “On Ends” where the Epicurean speaker is discussing the Stoic argument of the...
Catius Cat Purrs Again: “Catius Cat And The Forty Mice”
I have now completed a second “Epicurean poem for children of all ages,” and I submit it for the reading and listening pleasure of the Epicurean public at the links...
What the World Needs Now: Thoughts on Peter St. Andre’s “Letters on Epicurus: A Dialogue about Happiness”
In my last post I commented that I had learned of two recent updates by Peter St. Andre, and this is to comment on the second of those updates. But...
“Epicurean Analysis” By Peter St. Andre
It is very helpful to me as a student of Epicurus to read the writings of other students of Epicurus and to see what they find interesting. That shouldn’t be...
Seneca’s Description of Epicurus’ “Supreme Good”
For purposes of this post I will put aside for a moment the question of whether search for a “Supreme Good” is a Stoic/Platonic rationalization of which Epicurus did or...
First New Epicurean Blog of March – “Epicurean Practice” – And A Few Words on The Goal of Epicureanism
The first new blog focusing on Epicureanism I have seen in March is “Epicurean Practice.” It’s just getting off the ground but the first posts there are good and call...
Excellent BBC Radio Interview Presentation: “Epicureanism” On Melvyn Bragg’s “In Our Time”
Check out an excellent new presentation from the BBC’s radio program “In Our Time” by clicking the graphic to the left. This February 7, 2013, interview features Angie Hobbs, James...
Epicurus On The Meaning of “Good”
This is just a short post to make it easier to find a quotation that I seem to be coming back to more and more lately on the subject of...
“Thus Purred Catius’ Cat” – A New Exercise In Summarizing Basic Epicurean Doctrine
I have been working over the recent holidays to prepare a presentation on Epicureanism suitable for the absolute beginning student, approachable even for children. As I worked further on the...