Author: Cassius Amicus
R.I.P. BlackJack – 02/03/11 (With Update for Prince William – 01/27/13)
Of the profound wisdom that most of the world misses in its failure to understand Epicurus, one of the most important is found in the Second Principal Doctrine: the truth...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of January!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans among us, no matter where you might be! As we remember Epicurus and the original pathfinders of Epicureanism, we can reflect on a modern...
“I love you too well to leave you to the company of a life-long dream.”
“I see you digging up treasure, spreading your wings, nursing extravagant ideas, indulging impossible hopes; and I love you too well to leave you to the company of a life-long...
The Epicurus Sculpture Digital Re-creation
In case you haven’t already see it, there is an excellent page at which displays an effort to reconstruct the image of Epicurus that would have been most familiar...
A New Year’s Resolution: Following Up On A Comment Of Thomas Jefferson
NOTE: THIS POST HAS NOW BEEN SUPERSEDED BY THE INFORMATION HERE. In 1819 Thomas Jefferson wrote, as part of his letter to William Short: I have sometimes thought of translating...
A word on the status of the Lucian ebook.
A comment on Facebook prompted me to write the following paragraphs about the status of the Lucian ebook: When I have tried to read Lucian in the past I always...
An Ebook Devoted to the Epicurean Passages of Lucian
Work is continuing on a new ebook I have prepared on the Epicurean passages of the ancient author Lucian. Lucian is identified on Wikipedia as Lucianus Samosatensis; c. A.D. 125...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of December!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans among us, no matter where you might be! As we in the northern hemisphere approach both the end of another year and the shortest...
Philosophy for the Millions
In January of 1947, Norman W. DeWitt, professor emeritus of Latin at Victoria College in Toronto, Canada, published the first in a series of scholarly articles on the life and...
Peace and Safety for Your 20th of November!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans among us, no matter where you might be! As we remember Epicurus and the original pathfinders of Epicureanism, here’s a thought for the day,...