Author: Cassius Amicus
Epicurus: Against Skepticism
Time to launch a new category for the blog: Against Skepticism. This is a topic that is second in importance perhaps only to Against Platonism. The two are closely related,...
Is That All There Is? The Sad Ending of R. D. Hicks’ “Stoics And Epicureans”
I have read now to the conclusion of “Stoics And Epicureans,” a well-known work that contains much excellent information about Stoicism and Epicureanism. As I went through it, I collected...
Brutus vs. Cassius, Stoic v. Epicurean
I am nearing the end of reading R.D. Hicks’ Stoics And Epicureans, and I am at the same time beginning to go from start to finish through the ten books...
The Error of Seeing Epicurean Pleasure Through Stoic Eyes
Readers of this blog know that I post comments on my reading as I study. Today I have an excerpt from R.D. Hicks’ “Stoics And Epicureans” that I think illustrates...
Three Diagrams On The Faculty of Pleasure And Pain, Illustrating Principal Doctrines Three, Four, And Eighteen
Here are three diagrams I have drafted to use as aids in discussing Principal Doctrines Three, Four, and Eighteen. I hope to refine these much further, so if you have...
A “Map View” of “A Few Days In Athens” and the World of Epicurus
This is a work in progress, folks, but I will post updates as the work proceeds. Hopefully this will be helpful both for new readers of Frances Wright’s “A Few...
On Cicero and Errors In The Standard View of Katastematic Pleasure – A Great Article by Mathew Wenham
Unfortunately at this moment I do not have time for much more than what I’ve already written in the title, but here is the gist of it. Tonight, thanks to...
Strike Blows For Epicurus In The Way He Advised – With Compassion
Two recent internet blogs have afforded an unusually good opportunity to “strike a blow for Epicurus.” The two blog entries are “Epicureanism and Regret in Modern Culture” at and...
Peace and Safety For Your November 20th – The Truth About Jefferson and Stoicism
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! On this Twentieth of November, I want to comment on a blog post that is unhappy...
Epicurean Assistance for Well-Meaning Fans of Ayn Rand
An Epicurean friend has asked me about a subject that comes up repeatedly. He has a friend who is familiar with the work of Ayn Rand, and the friend is...