We just finished a 3D digital reconstruction of Epicurus' lost portrait. It was probably erected in Athens and was made of bronze. It was based on the six Roman copies of the torso (none with head or right arm) and the over thirty Roman copies of the head (all without body attached!). There are two possible poses of the right arm, two possible finishes of the bronze (natural and patinated with black sulfide), and three possible materials for the throne (bronze, marble, gilt marble), yielding 12 variants. You can see one of my favorites at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2lqmU0nGfU
Mr. Frischer's book "The Sculpted Word" about his work on the reconstruction of the Epicurus sculpture is available on Amazon and is an outstanding study of the this sculpture and its role in ancient Epicureanism. Highly recommended!