Author: Cassius Amicus
Happy Hanukkah To The Sadducees!!
[colored_box variation=”red”]UPDATE: Be sure to read this excellent article by Christopher Hitchens: “Hanukkah Celebrates the Triumph of Tribal Jewish Backwardness“[/colored_box] We have now entered the time of year when...
Peter Saint-Andre On The Possible Epicurean Basis for the “Seven Deadly Sins”
Peter Saint-Andre has recently posted an outstanding analysis of the possible Epicurean basis of the “Seven Deadly Sins (lust, gluttony, avarice or greed, sloth, wrath or anger, envy, and pride). ...
Epicurus On The Importance Of Gratitude
To mark this “Thanksgiving Day” in the United States, the following guidance on Epicurean gratitude is taken directly from the introductory paragraph of Chapter XIV of Norman DeWitt’s Epicurus and...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of November! – On Doctrine 39, and “Passing By”
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! For today’s memorial post, let me refer you to Doctrine 39, which has long seemed to...
On The Organization Of Thomas Jefferson’s Summary of the Philosophy of Epicurus
At the end of his letter to William Short dated October 31, 1819, Thomas Jefferson attached the following outline of his view of the central doctrines of Epicurus. Aside from...
It is surely time for men to think for themselves, and to throw off the authority of names [such as Plato] so artificially magnified.
From Thomas Jefferson’s letter to William Short of August 4, 1820, here is a useful reminder of the errors of the philosopher with whom Epicurus so often disagreed: [T]he superlative...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of October!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! For today’s post, here is a reminder of the reason we study philosophy, from a great...
An Exercise in Epicurean Rules of Evidence: Authorized Doctrine 24
“The wise man does not hesitate to hold as true that which is established by the evidence within his reach, nor does he ever hold as true that which is...
In Memory of the Great Classical Translator of Lucretius: Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro
In preparing the last post, I came across this interesting information about the author of what is in my view the best translation of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. I had...
A Useful Recent Translation of Lucretius’ “On The Nature of Things”
Until today I was unaware of a 2010 edition of On The Nature of Things produced by Ian Johnston and available at the website linked here. That site states: “Ian...