Author: Cassius Amicus
New Page Dedicated to Gassendi’s “Life And Doctrines of Epicurus”
I have today taken a step toward correcting a major oversight. Last year several of us undertook the work of transcribing a copy of Pierre Gassendi’s “Life and Doctrine of...
Updated Report With Many Photos And Details – The Fifth Pan-Hellenic Symposium on Epicurus
Click here to read all the details at the Greek site. For archive purposes, below is a copy of the Greek page as of February 15, 2015: Contact us...
Report on the 5th Pan-Hellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy
For the fifth consecutive year since 2011, about 400 people from all over Greece, the largest ever sum of participants, gathered at the Cultural Center of Pallini in Athens in...
Nietzsche, Epicurus, And The Most Successful Double Agent In History(?)
One of the inflection points of world history which researchers into Epicurus will frequently encounter is the work of Paul of Tarsus. Norman DeWitt devoted a book to the subject...
Peace and Safety for Your Twentieth of January: Symposium in Athens
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! The year 2015 is shaping up to be one of great developments in our still-small Epicurean...
Cosma Raimondi – Defender of Epicurus 200 Years Before Gassendi
Here is an audio version of a letter written in 1429 by Cosma Raimondi defending Epicurus against the Stoics, Platonists, and Aristotelians. It is more narrowly focused than the Epicurean...
The Reason For The Philosophic Fighting, In The Words of Cicero’s Epicurean Speaker
There’s an important issue behind the Epicurean rejection of “Stoic” ideas which can be seen in a brief selection from Cicero. At the beginning of the Epicurean section of On...
Defending Epicurus In 1858: “One Epicurus can do more to advance human happiness than a thousand Zenos.”
“HELEN BERNE” An Original Novellette for the Chronicle By R. W. Thomas Clarksville Chronicle, Clarksville Tennessee, Friday, August 13, 1858. (Excerpt from Chapter XV) If all persons of your age,...
Toward A Better Understanding Of Epicurus: Eight Areas Of Focus For 2015
My goal in writing about Epicurus is to point the way to happier living today through Epicurean philosophy. Only historians and academics are interested in detail for the sake of...
Two More Reflections On Epicurean Philosophy In the Renaissance
In the Cambridge book that contains the Cosma Raimondi letter cited here several days ago, there is the following paragraph, which is part of an introduction of a brief passage...