Author: Cassius Amicus
Seneca’s Description of Epicurus’ “Supreme Good”
For purposes of this post I will put aside for a moment the question of whether search for a “Supreme Good” is a Stoic/Platonic rationalization of which Epicurus did or...
Thoughts on Epicurus, Politics, “The Crowd,” and Nietzsche’s “The New Idol”
There are varying interpretations of what Epicurus meant when he advised us to avoid “the crowd” and to avoid devoting ourselves to a life of politics. In the pursuit of...
A Few Words From The Man Who Said: “Epicurus had triumphed, and every respectable intellect in Rome was Epicurean.”
Today I am in the mood for some intense thinking about the depth to which the modern world has fallen from the Epicurean period. Where better to go for assistance...
“We believed … that man was a rational animal, endowed by nature with rights and with an innate sense of justice…”
I am collecting on my page of Thomas Jefferson quotes each of the references I can find where he makes a statement that seems directly or indirectly to be a...
Thoughts On Principal Doctrine Three And The “Limit of Pleaure”
A recent Facebook post from a strong fan of Epicurus has me thinking that the epistemological perspective is the best way of understanding the reference in PD3 to the “limit...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of March! On The Importance of Reading the Original Texts
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! For today’s Twentieth post I would like to focus on a single thought; the importance of...
First New Epicurean Blog of March – “Epicurean Practice” – And A Few Words on The Goal of Epicureanism
The first new blog focusing on Epicureanism I have seen in March is “Epicurean Practice.” It’s just getting off the ground but the first posts there are good and call...
Peace and Safety For Your Twentieth of February!
Peace and Safety to the Epicureans of today, no matter where you might be! Today I would like to recognize that we have had several new Epicurean websites appear in...
Another New Epicurean Blog: “An Epicurean Thinker”
I hope we have a trend building here – today I learned of a new blog named in honor of Epicurus, put together by a new friend who has recently...
Excellent BBC Radio Interview Presentation: “Epicureanism” On Melvyn Bragg’s “In Our Time”
Check out an excellent new presentation from the BBC’s radio program “In Our Time” by clicking the graphic to the left. This February 7, 2013, interview features Angie Hobbs, James...